Monday, November 4, 2019

Happy November!

Hello families!

It's (all of a sudden) November. This month is crucial for skill development and learning in general as our routines are now stable and most of our students are used to the length of the day!

It's time to really hunker down on at-home reading. This means EVERY NIGHT! Many of you are busy with life, we understand, but there are ways to fit reading into these busy schedules! Reading in the car on the way to sports, reading to parents as they are making dinner, reading before bed or right after school, every little bit helps. Practicing those sight word lists are also extremely important. Make a game out of it during those 5 minute stretches between life's obligations!

Halloween is now over, and treats are a plenty. We are asking that treats are saved for home as healthy choices make a much, much  more positive impact on learning.

We had a great week last week using pumpkins for learning. To extend our learning through senses we have baked some of the seeds. We will be taste testing these tomorrow and describing what they taste like. Please contact your kiddos teacher ASAP if this is an issue for you.

We are accepting poppy donations this week leading up to Remembrance Day. Your child will be given a poppy sticker to wear at the assembly on Friday.

Have a great night and stay warm!