Friday, October 25, 2019

A few updates

It was a busy week in Grade 1.  Thank you for all the pumpkin donations.  Students have been busily learning and talking all about pumpkins all week, and we will continue this learning next week. 

Today a yellow folder came home with your child.  We began our weekly writing work called This Week at School (TWAS).  Each Friday the class will revisit our week of learning through gathering ideas and sharing thoughts.  This week we created our sentences as a group and your child may need your assistance reading them.

We ask that the yellow folders be returned to school each Monday so they are ready to be used the following week. 

Home reading has been going well in our class.  We are proud of everyone for remembering to return their folders each day.  Keep it going!!

Next week is the last week for We Scare Hunger.  If you have donations, please send them in.  Thanks.