Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 2-6,2020

Highlights from this week 

Social Studies 
We continued our look at communities.  What makes up a community?  What are needs and wants in a community? Students worked in groups to create maps of a community they would like to live in. There was a lot of discussion around the important parts of a community and what things should be close together in a community.

The yellow team was busy exploring important information for their upcoming field trip to Central Library (March 9-13) and the red team had time to explore paper maps which was an interesting way of viewing rather than seeing a map on the smart board through other forms of technology.

This week in math we started learning about subtraction.  We explored subtraction of numbers from 10.  Students have been learning a variety of methods to show their thinking; counters, pictures, number lines.  Ask your kiddo to show you their favourite way.
We played a game with dice to represent subtraction number sentences.

Thank you for continuing to practice home reading with your kiddo.  Please continue to send books for exchange each day as students finish them.  Students are doing a fantastic job improving their reading with your assistance and continued practice at school.

Many families may have noticed an ice/water puddle forming at the bottom of the hill near our Adventure playground. Teachers remind students daily to keep safely away from the ice and water.  We would appreciate your support in also reminding your children of the safety of not playing near the water and ice at school recess times.  Thank you.