Friday, February 21, 2020

February 18 - 21, 2020

Highlights from this week...

** Check out a few updated pictures on Student Showcase 

This week we began talking about animal adaptations.  We read a book called "A Warm Winter Tail by Carrie A. Pearson.
Students demonstrated through pictures how two of the animals adapted in the winter.

What do animals do in the winter?
Where to they go?
How do they stay warm?

Vocabulary we talked about and will continue to visit next week:
hibernation, migration, animal, summer, fall, winter, spring, arctic, camouflage

In coordination with 100 days of school we worked a lot with the 100 chart this week.
A fun game students have enjoyed playing is Give the dog a bone where they have to search for numbers on the 100 chart.  This game helps to familiarize them with the location of numbers on the chart.

Students had a fun time observing and comparing the collections of 100 things brought in by everyone.  There was a wide variety of items.

We worked at counting 100 items by 1s, 5s, 10s and for a challenge, by 2s.

Students wrapped up the learning practice of skipping.  Next week will begin learning basketball.

Students continue to find success with their daily reading practice and home reading is helping the to succeed further.

Thanks to everyone for the Jump Rope for Heart Donations.