Friday, January 31, 2020

January 27- 30

During math this week we were exploring a variety of ways to represent number sentences and "prove" our knowledge.  We explored representing through quick pics and target practice.

We continue to work on estimation, counting by 5s and 2s and explaining our thinking in math everyday.

This week our grade one community worked together on a building project we called "Poms Away".  This project was a continued exploration of creating with elastics.  We will share our final product/project work with Beakerhead and view projects submitted by other classrooms.  Be sure to check our our Tweets and student showcase to see what we came up with.

Students brought home collection envelopes for Jump Rope for Heart.  Collection will continue until February 20th. 

February 5th is our field trip to the CPO.  Students will leave the school at 9am and our lunch will be a little later than normal that day.  Please ensure your child has a substantial breakfast that morning.