Friday, September 13, 2019

Have a Great Weekend!

Another eventful week in the book everyone!

Following a busy week, this weekend is the perfect time for the kiddos to unwind, relax and rest up week!

We are slowly starting to see a general acceptance from the group regarding the length of the day which is a huge step in grade 1.

Thank you parents and families for staying current with our tweets and blog as we had a great turnout for kiddos wearing their "team" colours! It really made Dot Day a success for relating teamwork to our learning spaces!


Parent-Teacher conferences are next week! You can sign up online through your CBE account beginning Sunday as you may have read in the email sent out from the school.

If you have not completed and returned your school forms yet...please do so! We are wanting to post pictures and need to have permission in order to post them!

Have a warm, safe weekend everyone!

Mr. Kearney and Ms. Karpick